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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  November 20, 2012 10:00am-11:00am PST

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that protects and enhances israel's security and regional stability and an outcome that can lead to improved conditions for the civilian residents of gaza. >> does that mean a cease-fire is imminent? showdown over benghazi. top intelligence officials tell nbc news they knew from the beginning that benghazi was a terrorist act but kept susan rice's talking points deliberately vague. on capitol hill, 97 house republicans sent a letter to the president calling rice unfit to serve as secretary of state. they of course play no role in whether she gets the job. plus the general's wife. an insider's perspective on the strains on military marriages. celebrating the big 7-0. vice president gets a tweet from the boss, obama not springsteen. >> i'm andrea mitchell in washington. hillary clinton will land in israel within the next few hours and head directly to jerusalem
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to meet with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the exchange of fire continued today from both sides. joining me now nbc's martin fletcher in tel aviv and ayman mohyeldin in gaza. martin, to you, what are israelis saying about the status of a cease-fire or truce or temporary pause in hostilities to negotiate something more long term? >> yeah. all the talk is of a truce a cease-fire, which is pretty much been announced it will be announced in the arab capitals and gaza. the israelis saying that it is not a done deal. they're saying it's not wrapped up. they say there's still agreements to be worked on and they are waiting to see what they will still be able to achieve in terms of their single most important goal which is that this cease-fire, if it takes place, will not be some sort of quick fix, but a long-term solution to the problem for the israel of firing
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rockets from gaza against the israeli targets. they want it to end long term and say that's not yet wrapped up. of course hillary clinton will be landing here in i believe an hour and a half, two hours, and it's possible there will be an agreement announced tonight. we don't know. the israelis say it's not a done deal. andrea. >> of course, it would be unliky to announce it before she arrives. morsi's role, the egyptian president's role, has been so critical here. this is a completely new landscape diplomatically, having a muslim brotherhood president of egypt being the prime mover here, pressured by the u.s., but bringing together all sides? i'm not sure that ayman can hear us. we have a satellite delay. can we talk about the diplomacy from the standpoint of hamas and the muslim brotherhood?
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>> yeah. andrea, these talks have been now under the auspices of the egyptian government but more specifically under the au spis sis of intelligence officials. they can meet with israel and the palestinian factions. it's unlikely that president m mahmoud morsi was going to sit down with any envoys. he will be heading back to cairo tomorrow to meet with hillary clinton. egyptian officials involved or familiar with them have been telling nbc news this is unlikely to be a long-term truce. this is more likely to be a cessation of hostilities in the short term to pave the way for longer discussions about the fundamental issues as to why this persistent problem keeps coming up, the siege on gaza, rockets into southern israel and outstanding issues. what we can say so far is that all indications suggest that there will be a truce at some point. palestinian factions here say they are open to it. they say nothing has been signed. they don't mind having a short-term truce.
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so long as egypt will guarantee the fundamental issues of the bigger problems of gaza are addressed and not kicked down the road. i think that's something that martin suggested. there are a lot of fund mental issues that need to be resolved. no indication all of those have been addressed in the short-term cessation of hostilities which egyptian officials say is within their reach, although nothing yet officially signed. >> including, of course, the access and getting supplies in and out of gaza as well. martin, this has been a critical testing of iron dome. the missile defense and it has pretty much worked. >> it has worked. let me just add if i may quickly to what ayman said, the point, of course, why the urgency for a truce even though the details really haven't been worked out, of course it's because everybody wants to head off an israeli ground invasion of gaza which would then throw things in an impossible direction. no one could foresee the end of. that's why the urgency. in terms of the iron dome, it's interesting, if there was no
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iron dome, the israeli's homemade anti-rocket system financed with american money, if it didn't exist, it didn't exist only three or four years ago, you could be sure today the israeli army would be inside gaza, 100% certain. if there was no defense against palestinian rockets and they were actually had hitting tel aviv, let alone the other towns and killing people, israel would have had to invade gaza for certain because of public pressure. so iron dome is very effective tactical weapons shooting down israel says about 80 to 90% of all the rockets fired into israel that threaten populated areas because, of course, it's a system that ignores those that it calculates will fall harmlessly into the sea or unpopulated areas. if it had -- it's a tactical weapons successful but strategic weapon in the sense because there wasn't a large-scale killing of israelis, the government had more time to negotiate the cease-fire without pressure for an invasion. >> martin fletcher, good points,
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and ayman mohyeldin, thanks so much for your perspective. both of you are standing by for the latest developments as we await word of the diplomacy and hillary clinton flies from cambodia and is about to land in israel as well. and joining me now for more on the fast-moving developments, jeffrey goldberg, national correspondent with the atlantic, and michael leiter, former director of the national counterterrorism center and also an nbc news terrorism analyst. jeffrey, first to you, we have seen very little shuttle diplomacy or any real engagement on the israeli/palestinian front in recent years. you've got the growth of hamas first with many people feel the misguided decisions of the bush administration in 2006, the election victory, hamas, and then abbas, the fatah element of the palestinians on the west bank, abbas and fayyad not getting support at critical moments from this administration. >> right. >> and not a whole lot of
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attention from this secretary of state. now it's come to a pass where hamas may end up stronger than ever coming out of these negotiations. >> right. there's a price for negligence, there's also a price for overengageme overengagement. this administration has learned from the experience of bill clinton who spent the last year of his presidency trying to arrange a deal, that, you know, it's a long shot and it's a bit of a crap shoot. you have now palestine, the state that we think will be one day palestine, divided into two basically warring halves. the west bank under the moderate leadership of abbas and gaza under hamas. it's hard to blame the obama administration on one hand for disengaging from the problem because there's no chance of near term success. on the other hand, you're exactly -- now because of where we are, hillary clinton has to run from her asia pivot, literally from asia back to the middle east just to kind of patch this together temporarily. >> and let's talk about hamas. the u.s. has no relationship with hamas, neither do our
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european partners, the so-called quartet. hamas is often confused because of its iranian background and sponsorship of hezbollah. talk about the two terrorist groups and the differences. >> sure. hezbollah, based principally in lebanon, backed by the syrian regime and also by iran, has developed a huge arsenal of weapons and has been involved in major ground offenses against israel most recently in 2006. hamas, very different, based in the gaza strip, not nearly as heavily armed, but obviously still an enormous threat in terms of these roxs to southern -- rockets to southern israel. i would make one point to what jeffrey said, which i generally agree with. the fact is that the administration has been focused largely in this region on israel and iran. and that has taken up an enormous amount of energy. combining that with the disruption we've seen in the region from the arab awakening it has not been a perfect time to engage in large scale
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diplomacy to try to solve which is admittedly a difficult problem between hamas, the palestinian authority and israel. >> there's so many unintended consequences from action forcing events outside this fear of american influence really. let's talk also about, there have been some blogs in "the washington post" and others have had some blogs with people surmising that israel may have had a different game plan, that this all may be part of preparing the battlefield if you will for going against iran. i just want to get your perspectives here. you're both very smart guys and analysts on all of this. israel had reasons to specific -- specific reasons to act now, you believe, michael, and jeffrey, against what was happening, what was coming at them from gaza? >> in my experience, the israeli relationship to what goes on in the gaza strip at hamas is a pretty tactical experience. it's not a broad strat gri. i think what israel is facing now, rockets falling on its people, forced their hand and there may be some side benefits
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to that, seeing how iron dome works in case there were a larger-scale conflict with iran, but i don't see anything in this set of circumstances which suggests in any way that israel wanted this sort of conflict with hamas. >> it is what it is. >> but i would say that israelis now, be i mean one of the things we haven't talked about, we talked about the iron dome but we haven't talked about the fact that we have learned hamas has iranian missiles that can reach jerusalem. >> that's a new experience. >> this is one of the -- you know, we've been through this hamas/israel battle before, but the weaponry is getting a lot more stow fis cated -- sophisticated and what this suggests about the near term future with iran, there are israelis hesitant about confronting iran who are saying to themselves, imagine if iran had a nuclear weapons and was backing hamas and iran was threatening israel and saying listen, don't attack hamas or you know what may happen.
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i think that this accelerates and intensifies the iranian part of this crisis and that's what we're going to see unfold. >> this is partly related to the changes we see in the region, the fact that mubarak has gone, morsi is there, the sanaa is much more porous, the smuggling has increased. >> hamas is testing egypt as much as israel to see how much they're on their side. >> the entire region is being tested at this moment. this is a remarkably new role for president morsi and the role he will play with hamas. as you said there's been an enormous amount of increase in smuggling and instability in the sanaa since the arab awakening. we have the disruption in syria and how this plays out. syria being a supporter in times of hamas. this is an important moment and i think that's one of the big reasons that secretary clinton thought that this is the time she had to be in the middle east. >> and here she is at the end of her tenure, she has said she wants to leave. there's a lot of controversy over who is going to replace her. susan rice has been blamed by
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republicans for what may be inartful testimony, not testimony, inartful television commentary. she was reading from talking points that were prepared by the intelligence community and last night, i get calls from top intelligence officials saying, it was our fault, it was not political, they are reacting to a lot of the accusations on "meet the press." >> if you remember, we were both on "meet the press" that morning with susan rice and she said what she said and we both sort of -- >> looked at each other. >> looked at each other and said what? where is that coming from? what we knew, it wasn't coming from her. she was a pass-through. so it seems a little bit much for these republicans on the hill to say that oh, she's complicit in a conspiracy. she went on tv to give a line that was provided to her. >> how does it work, michael? because you've been in these situations. i am thinking back to the very damaging nie on wmd.
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>> the national intelligence estimate. >> on whether or not saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction. the classified version said probably not. there were caveats. the unclassified version delivered to the american people and some senators, many senators, didn't bother to read the real one, be said something very different. emphasized what the white house apparently wanted. this is why people are fired up about this. >> this is -- the intelligence community absolutely hate to be in the position of having classified information and then having to produce unclassified talking points. >> unclassified version should -- it should not reveal sources and methods but should reflect the same reality. the american people ant can't be mislead. >> easy to say, hard to do sometimes. >> i get it. >> when you're not sure. things that are related to sources and methods which might affect the outcome. this is why past directors of national intelligence have made announcements there will be no more unclassified talking points for national intelligence
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estimates. that always goes by the wayside because there is a public and congressional demand for this information. but you can end up in a situation like this where the classified version is saying one thing, the public version doesn't quite say the same thing and you don't even know at the time, but after the fact it starts to look it was a political adjustment when as i understand it, like you, it was the intelligence community running those talking points. >> for the house intelligence committee members who asked within 24 hours how do we answer questions we want to go on television. >> used about i susan rice, i have to admit personal bias, susan is a friend, i've worked with susan, trying to get the politics aside, susan is an immensely talented, extremely driven person who has represented this person very well? several administrations. whoever the president picks it's really important that people recognize the tamment that susan race -- talent that susan rice. >> that she be judged on her record not one sunday appearance.
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>> thank you. still ahead, we'll talk to the mayor of jerusalem about the rocket fire that has been raining on his city. this is "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. ♪ i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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and welcome back. joining me now is michael gerson, a "washington post" editorial writer and former speechwriter for president george bush and bill burton co-founder of the pro obama super pac. thanks. both of you have been involved in situations like this. bill, you know susan rice really well and she does, according to dianne feinstein and other supporters, seem to be scapegoated for something that has gotten spiraled out of control here? >> well, it's unfortunate that the politics have taken over
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something that should be a serious and straightforward process here. obviously the president hasn't picked anyone, but ambassador rice is one of the most talented members of the foreign policy team and the fact that people like john mccain and lindh si graham and kelly i at are using her to go after president obama, is unfortunate. it's also frankly pretty illogical. the politics of this are probably shifting a little bit and probably seeing that. the optics of the way they're attack her are hurting her. i think that the way they've attacked her in this illogical way is hurting their argument to have a serious foreign policy debate right now. >> michael, what is your take on this? >> i think there are a lot of serious questions about libya, why weren't our people better protected, the terrorist role downplayed. >> why didn't the state department respond to intelligence not only warnings but attacks. five separate attacks. >> plenty of questions here. i'm not sure how they relate to susan rice. i've been in government. she went on stel vision, was given a set of talking points.
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it would have been strange if she had used different talking points than the ones she had been given. congress is expressing frustration but it's misdirected. that doesn't mean she's necessarily the best person for the job. that's the choice the president will have to make. i don't find this particularly disqualifying. >> we're told the president will be making decisions as early as right after thanksgiving about the new cabinet. he has a foreign policy team, tim geithner wants to step down. bill, you've been in this situation. michael you as well in shaping a second term. what about john kerry for secretary of state? clearly very well qualified, the chairman of the foreign relations committee? what about the replacement for tim geithner, jack lew, the white house chief of staff, former budget director the best person for it? does the president now need large figures who can go on television, who can sell the policies? what are they weighing here? >> i think, you know, it sounds
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like the president has not made any final decisions at all. about senator kerry, he is a really -- his record is extraordinary, going all the way back to serving in the vietnam war and i think that if senator kerry were to become the secretary of defense, it would be such a great koda to what has been a long -- >> he wants to be secretary of state. >> you know, i haven't talked to senator kerry about which job that he wants but i do know that he would be a great secretary of state but also a great secretary of defense. you know, be as for all the other speculation about jack lew and who will fill the other roles. it's just speculation right now. >> i think the president faces a decision on susan rice whether he wants this fight. this would be a multiday questioning on libya and a promised filibuster by serious members of the senate. he may, but he may not. i think that senator kerry, even for the secretary of state job, he has been a troubleshooter for president obama. >> pakistan and afghanistan. >> and sudan. involved in those negotiations
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with the separation of south sudan. he's played an important role. you know, he would have a immediate standing with foreign governments. and that's a very strong choice at state it strikes me as well. >> michael gerson, bill burton, thank you very much. up next the general's wife. why one woman is speaking out about the stress of war on military marriages. ally bank. why they have a raise your rate cd. tonight our guest, thomas sargent. nobel laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years? no. if he can't, no one can. that's why ally has a raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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and do our part for the businesses that do so much for us. on november 24th, let's get out and shop small. in the midst of all the scandals ensnaring the nation's top military commanders one army general's wife is speaking out about the toll of war and impact on her own family as her husband faces charges of sexual misconduct and adultery. joining me is rebecca sinclair. her husband the former 82nd commander of the division in afghanistan. thank you for joining us. you wrote about all of this. you've been open about it.
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you and your -- you're standing by your husband and he's facing the possibility of charges. tell me why you decided to go public? >> well, my family, like many other military families, have been under a tremendous strain for the last ten years due to this -- the open-ended war and what we're seeing in the paper doesn't really address that. i felt it was important to come forward and start an open conversation about the stresses. >> tell me about your own situation because you can speak to that certainly. why do you think the war had an impact or was responsible for what your husband did? >> well, i'm not saying necessarily it's responsible for what he did, and i don't -- i'm not blaming the war. i'm not excusing his behavior. i'm trying to say it can -- i can understand why it happened. we've moved six times in 11 years. he's been home five of the last 11 years. and this is the way most military families are. when you move that many times, you -- your kids have to change
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schools, your kids find new friends, spouses have to find new jobs, and with that comes the spouse has to find a new support group and new friends for herself or himself. so it's the consequences of this 11-year war have been great. >> and as you -- you know, we talk often about the effect on military families, a lot of us report on it, but your situation is so tangible, so real, it brings it all home. so can you be sympathetic to what is going on with the other generals? obviously general petraeus was out of the military and retired from active duty when this all supposedly took place, but we've seen a lot of problems in the military. do you think that the whole military code regarding adultery and sexual behavior should be changed? your husband faces serious charges? >> he does. he does. what i can tell you about that is, last week, in his pretrial hearing, several -- i'm very confident, actually, because
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several text messages, hundreds of text messages and e-mails came to light showing that -- and it is painful for me to say this, but it was a consensual relationship and my husband has also taken two separate polygraphs which showed that he is being truthful, he has never forced anyone to do anything and i'm -- we're an army family and i'm confident that the army is going to -- going to do the right thing and make the right decision on this. regarding petraeus, my heart goes out to them. i feel -- i know personally what they're going through and i just -- my heart goes out to them. >> do you agree with the decision byes defense secretary, by leon panetta, to order an ethics review to see what needs to be done because of what he feels are too many incidents involving the high officers? >> oh, of course. any time there's any -- there's
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any doubt that there are issues like that, it's always good to be looked into, always. >> rebecca sinclair, thanks for sharing your story and good luck with you and your family. i know you're going through a difficult time in trying to make it all work for yourselves. we thank you you and your husband for your service. >> thank you so much for having me. >> and up next, we'll be talking to the mayor of jerusalem whose city has been under rocket fire. new prilosec otc wildberry is the same frequent heartburn treatment as prilosec otc. now with a fancy coating that gives you a burst of wildberry flavor. now why make a flavored heartburn pill? because this is america. and we don't just make things you want, we make things you didn't even know you wanted. like a spoon fork. spray cheese. and jeans made out of sweatpants. so grab yourself some new prilosec otc wildberry. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. syou know, i've helped alot ofof people save a lot of money. but today...( sfx: loud noise of metal object hitting the ground)
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between the two positions for the people while governing gaza and ourselves. unfortunately, they target civilians. they are extremely careful not to hit any civilian life, any child, and believe me, our army is working so hard to prevent any casualties of civilian people, of civilian houses. >> joining me now by phone, is the mayor of jerusalem. mr. mayor, thank you for joining us. first of all, secretary clinton we know is heading your way to be meeting with prime minister netanyahu but this is the first time that israel has come under fire from gaza from hamas rockets. so tell me about that experience and how that changes the calculus?
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>> well, unfortunately, we're talking about the unfriendly neighbors that want to destroy israel. they are trying indiscriminate fire all over the country. i assume and we realize they want to target jerusalem as well and it is amazing how you have the group of people that are using indiscriminate fire, to hit civilians and terrorize everyone. i'm not surprised. you know, it was the south, the north, these are people that, you know, it's very difficult to work with to say the least. >> well, mr. mayor, obviously there's a disproportionate military power on both sides now that this has started. so what are the possibilities of a cease-fire and of it holding? >> well, let me make something very, very clear. the israeli army, the values we
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have, is target the people responsible. we use missiles that are targeted at people, at the enemy. unfortunately, our enemy is using indiscriminate fire for its civilians which is against any international law. unfortunately, i think that the israeli government realizes that this is something that we have to stop for a long, long time. hopefully people will understand people are using indiscriminate fire against civilians has to be stopped and not for a short period of time. all israel is united behind the prime minister and hopefully he's going to have the right approach and the backup of the whole country and if it takes them a little bit more time, he's got the time to negotiate on behalf of the israeli people. >> the mayor of jerusalem, thank you very much. of course, the firing may be indiscriminate, but at the same time, the targeting rather by the israeli government may be
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very targeted, but because of the density of gaza, there is a lot of civilian casualties. joining me is former middle east peace negotiator aaron david miller. now the vice president of new initiatives at the woodrow wilson center. let's talk about this. benjamin netanyahu has support any time that israel is under attack or is involved in a military engagement. there is going to be political support for what it does. how do you assess what netanyahu can now do? how much leverage does he have to negotiate something that can hold up? >> well, i think the problem here andrea, there's no permanent state between israel and hamas. that's the problem with operation 809. it bought three plus years of relative tranquillity but allowed hamas to import more sophisticated high trajectory weapons that are not terribly accurate but they have range. the range is going to be combined with accuracy and the
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israelis will be presented with a much bigger problem than they are now. but the problem is, how do you negotiate an end state to this? you can't. what you're looking for is a stand down by both parties and perhaps the egyptians and the turks can find a way since the israelis will not, to enhance this arrangement with hamas with additional incentives. i think the bottom line here, though, given the fact that the israelis have made it unmistakebly clear they're not interested in decapitating the hamas leadership or destroying hamas as an organization, what this represents to me in a very worrisome way, is a further consolidation of hamas's power in gaza, a great rise in its international respectability. you've seen the foreign minister of turkey, the foreign minister of egypt, bringing cash and political benefits all not visits mahmoud abbas on the west bank and ramallah, but basically
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visiting hamas in gaza. this problem is going to be with us, i suspect, for a while. so at -- it seems to me, on balance, you will be able maybe to create a set of arrangements but they will not hold over time. >> and it really strengthens not only hamas as you're pointing out, but also morsi, if this works. the new muslim brotherhood leadership of egypt has new diplomatic leverage, clearly his interest is also in the economic revival of his country. he's relying on the united states, on the imf and international organizations in which the u.s. has you know clear veto power. if he does not deliver in this case, he won't get the money that will help his government survive and his country? >> that's going to be a problem. and your point reflects the sort of diverging agendas between the united states and egypt. i'm not arguing that we ought to bring back mubarak. the reality was that mubarak was in many respects at least when it came to the arab/israeli
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peace process on the same page with previous american administrations. you have a government in cairo which in my judgment doesn't want to see a conflict because it forces a muslim brotherhood president to deal with the issue of jerusalem and the compromises that palestinians will have to make on jerusalem in order to -- for there to be a deal, israel may compromises too, i'm not sure are going to be acceptable to the muslim brotherhood or a president who comes interest their party. what we're looking at optimally would be a long-term cease-fire agreement which would serve as a sort of permanent truce. i'm not sure under the circumstances, unless there's some fundamental conversion on the part of hamas, to accept the conditions of the quartet and i think they see history running their way, you're not going to get that. what you're looking for, i think of course is a more permanent and more durable band-aid.
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i know it's sad and it's not pretty, but i'm not sure what the alternative is right now. now what the alternative is. >> what would hillary clinton do? hillary clinton is about to arrive. does that mean there's a deal in hand? >> it's an interesting question. is she arriving to initiate shuttle diplomacy, as warren christopher did in april of '96 when he brokered an agreement literally between israel and hezbollah, using syria, not egypt, but this time it would be egypt as a repository guarantees. i'm not sure she's there for shuttle diplomacy and i'm not sure she's confident enough that there's going to be an agreement. i think it's almost unimaginable she wouldn't go. everyone else is there. she does have the capacity, i think, to press the israelis to give morsi, if diplomacy is running in the right direction, the political time and space to actually press hamas to stand down and maybe she needs to hear from morsi exactly what the status of these negotiations are and what hamas' requirements
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are. what she cannot do is put herself in the middle of an incorrect negotiation between israel and hamas, both for political reasons and for any other agendas items that the obama administration may have in mind further down the road. >> aaron david miller, thank you very much. you've been there -- >> thank you. >> you've had to deal with all of these questions. >> always a pleasure. >> many times. >> and imagine a peace corps for doctors. dr. vanessa kerry, the daughter of senator john kerry, explaining how she is making this happen next on "andrea mitchell reports." [ man thinking ] oh, this gas. those antacids aren't working. oh no, not that, not here! [ male announcer ] antacids don't relieve gas. gas-x is designed to relieve gas. gas-x. the gas xperts.
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50 years after the peace corps was founded by john f. kennedy another massachusetts family has created a new peace corps of sorts, the global health conversation service corps that is sending young talented medical professionals to assist and educate physicians in the countries that need them most. dr. vanessa kerry, the daughter of john kerry, and the founder of the global health corps.
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i was at a conference in september and heard you speak and heard about this and was so impressed and wanted to have a chance to talk to you about it publicly. tell me what your goals are and what you're hoping to achieve? >> thank you for having me on the show. it's -- i know there's a lot going on in the world and i feel, you know, very hopeful that we're part of the solution. there is a shortage -- drastic shortage of over 2.4 million doctors, nurses and mid wives in over 57 countries around the world and what that translates into is a classroom in mali with over 2,000 students, one teacher, one black board, 100-degree heat, can't hear the lesson in the back of the room, they're hungry and have a huge appetite to learn and to be a part of their health care provided for their country. my colleagues and i started a non-profit partnering with the peace corps to send doctors and nurses abroad as medical educators to build a pipeline to
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hopefully create a new generation of doctors and nurses who can continue to build up the health system and to be able to sort of ensure that there's good health in countries for the future. what's really important, too, is that we're going to be providing loan repayments so that financial debt or -- it's not a barrier to service and people can represent this country and, you know, be a part of this bigger solution. >> what kind of in uny are we talking about? are you dependent on the peace corps and grants? how do you raise money with this project? >> we're privileged to be partnering with the peace corp corps. they have an amazing ability to put people into a countries in a culturally sensitive way efficiently and we're excited to be a part of that. we are partnering with the mass general hospital center for global health acting as a coordinating center with us and do medical and nursing education. but we are a non-profit and we are going to be reliant on private philanthropy and grants to beabe a -- to be able to mak
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this commitment to loan repayment and uphold part of our promise to the government. we're also partially funded so that pepfar, you know, has this training goal of 140,000 health care workers. >> targeting aids -- >> exactly. >> primarily subsaharan africa and around the world. >> around the world. the goal for hiv, there is a u.n. report that came out that is really saying hiv is -- it's not, you know, overcoming hiv is not just a dream. it's really going to become a reality if we continue on the investments and efforts we've been making. >> well, at this point, how many health care professionals do you think you can afford to send into the field? >> so we've actually committed to sending 30 to 36 doctors and nurses abroad. so about 12 into each country. we're starting three countries. malawi, tanzania and uganda. it's not a question of how many we can afford, how many should
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we send in the first year and really do we think to begin to make sort of -- really see on the ground taking care of patients and making a real difference to the places they're working and we as the non-profit of global service corps have committed to raising the funds to be able to do that. we need people's help. we'll encourage people to go to our website and to make a contribution and to be a part of this mission with us. this is -- it's going to have to be a collective effort. >> it's exciting. we have to follow up and maybe travel with you at some point. >> we would love that. come join us. >> thank you very much. vanessa kerry, a real privilege. >> thank you. and we've lost a real american patriot. former new hampshire senator warren rudman. senator rudman was a straight talking yankee who tried to set the country on a path towards balance budgets with his landmark rudman budget law. at the time the reagan deficit was $200 million. now our deficit is more than $1 trillion. a former prosecutor, senator
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rudman served on the senate ethics committee investigating five fellow senators, the keating five. very difficult assignment. he played a key role during iran-contra when he grilled oliver north. >> the american people have the constitutional right to be wrong. and what ronald reagan thinks or what oliver north or i think or anybody else thinks makes not a thing if the american people say enough. there comes a point that the views of the american people have to be heard. >> warren rudman saw action and was awarded a bronze star for combat in korea. he once told former defense secretary casper weinberger from his own party his talk of a, quote, limited nuclear war was assanine. he did not seek re-election saying i can see the republican party was being taken over by a movement conservatives and self-commissioned christian soldier whose social agenda i found repugnant.
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he was 82 years old. he died of lymphoma. band playin] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do.
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which political story will make headlines in the next 24 hours? editorial writer jonathan is joining me tonight. the president is arriving late tonight and he has a date with the turkey. >> right, the annual pardoning of the turkey. president truman is credited with starting this, but the political unit found it was president john f. kennedy who started the tradition 49 years ago today. actually, two days before his death. abraham lincoln it's important note did pardon a turkey during his presidency, but it was a christmas turkey owned by his son. this is a particular story that's been told by president clinton and president george w.
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bush. the story about lincoln also pardoning a turkey but it was a christmas turkey. >> and the turkeys -- at least one of the turkeys i think the one pardoned by george w. bush got to go to disneyland or was it disney world? >> one of them. put it this way, they weren't dead. and the pardoned turkey -- the pardoned turkey gets a companion to go with them. so it's two for the price of one pardon. one public pardoning. >> now, i'll tell you i cannot remember whether the turkey -- one of the turkeys was staying at the willard hotel or if that was an episode of "west wing" involving c.j. or at the "w." there was a turkey. it was real life or aaron sorkin. sometimes you can't tell the difference. >> right. >> that's true. >> happy thanks giving if i don't see you tomorrow. we will be here. that does it for us. obviously, big things happening. possible cease-fire or truce in
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the middle east. msnbc will have all of it. coming up tomorrow on the show, we are going to a former ambassador to israel and to james zogby. plus, our brilliant correspondents from the region. and the fiscal cliff, we'll talk to jared bernstein and remember follow the show online and on twitter. and my colleague, thomas roberts has a look what's ahead on "news nation." >> thanks so much. coming up in next hour, we are following that breaking news out of the middle east where we are awaiting a possible announcement of a cease-fire. but israel says it's not a done deal just yet. in a few hours secretary of state hillary clinton is expected to arrive in jerusalem. we'll get live reports from that region. plus, the israeli ambassador to the u.s. and "time" magazine's jim frederick all join me live in moments. oderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin.
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i'm thomas roberts in for tamron hall. breaking news out of the middle east. a cease-fire will end a week of long-range exchange of rocket fire between israel and gaza. this could be happening at any moment. a deal will be announced in jerusalem. al jazeera saying it will happen in cairo. nbc news has been told that the talks are ongoing. this follows comments made a short time ago by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu as he held a news conference with u.n. secretary-general, ban ki moon. >> if a long-term solution can be put in place through diplomatic means, then israel will be a willing partner to such a solution. >> now, the u.s. is ramping up its engagement in the cease-fire negotiations. the white house announced that president obama made his third call in less than 24 hours to egyptian president mohamed morsi who has been leading the negotiations in cairo. and secretary of